
SIC Student Government sponsoring athletic shoe drive

The Southeastern Illinois College Student Government is inviting the entire college district to participate in a recycling drive to turn used athletic shoes into affordable rubber products.
The project was conceived as a way to get community high schools involved with the College and the student government organization. All district high schools were invited to participate in the project, and the top three high schools in terms of donations will receive trophies. Also, if schools have more than one organization that participates, a certificate will be presented for the top organization within that school.
Student government then decided to enlarge the project by opening it up to all the public residents of the college district. The organization hopes for a large show of support from the community and high schools alike.
Many shoe companies are striving to improve recycling around the country and the world. Shoes are most commonly recycled to create three different products: grind rubber, grind foam and grind fiber. These three substances are used for a great deal of recreational facilities, including outdoor basketball and tennis courts, running tracks, soccer and football fields, playground surfaces and gym floors.
For those interested in donating, there are currently collection boxes set up across the camps. Then, the final collection day is set for Saturday, April 30. On that day, shoes will be accepted from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. In the event of good weather, the collection will be held in the southernmost parking lot of the SIC campus. If there is inclement weather, the collection will be held in the lobby of the nearby Visual and Performing Arts Center.
All shoes donated should meet the following requirements:
-- Athletic shoes only (no boots, sandals, etc.)
-- No cleats or spikes
-- Shoes must be cleaned
-- Shoe strings should be tied together

