
Will Australia Benefit by Turning Northern

Will Australia Benefit by Turning Northern Australia Into a Special Economic Zone? by JamieMcIntyre at iSnare Free Articles
The vision to develop Northern Australia and the opposition’s consideration to implement those plans is an essential step towards the economic progress of the country.
Northern Australia is a perfect spot for an economic zone to boost Australia’s wealth. The idea of utilising an economic zone to boost a country’s prosperity is nothing new and it has proven to work successfully in many places bloggink.
China has allowed the development of Special Economic Zones such as Shenzhen, which was initially a village and is now a developed city because of foreign investment.
Hong Kong is another success story of an economic zone as is Shanghai’s Pudong district- more recent example modelled based on the earlier success of economic zones.
In China’s special economic zones people benefit from greater freedom and are burdened with less tax, included wages are also taxed less and red tape is minimised.
If it works for China it can certainly work for Australia diary printing. However, such an endeavor would require forward thinking political leaders with big vision and dedication.
Imants Kins, co-chair of Australians for Northern Development and Economic Vision (ANDEV) recently made a very salient point in an article published on 21st Century News:
“Here in our North we can work to solve many of our trade, foreign relations, food, minerals, and indigenous issues.
The North has natural assets that give it a global comparative advantage: abundant water at a time of increasing scarcity of drinking water, abundant land at a time of decreasing global arable land and rising population from seven billion to nine billion by 2050, explosion in world demand for protein and energy (oil, gas and renewable especially solar) as the global middle class grows from 500m in 2009 to 3.2b by 2030”.
It is simple common sense that fewer regulations, less red tape and lower taxes stimulate business and prosperity Cheap Trash-Truck. Such a zone would help create a new large and developed city akin to Dubai jerseys from china. I believe such a city needs to be built in North Western Australia to attract families by providing affordable housing and a gate way to Asia.
I envision a city that would:
House some of the 750,000 workers that ANZ said would be required by 2050
Fly mining workers in and out
Have modern facilities encouraging families to live there
Be close to Asia
Offer tax incentives to attract families, for instance no stamp duty would be imposed on house purchases, taxes and corporate rates would be lower thus inviting business development.
Perhaps a smart alternative could also be simply targeting Darwin as an economic zone to have it grow into a major city and be the gateway to Asia.
A special economic zone with lower taxes would not only be attractive to workers, but also to investors and companies thus automatically supporting the progress of the country’s economy.
Despite such effective ways to grow and boost regions of Australia there inevitably are certain sections of the society who want to block the development due to their small minded thinking. An anti-business government, rampant union interference and communistic thinking is one of the biggest obstacles our country is currently facing.
Unfortunately such people will hold Australia back from its potential if they are allowed to prevent such ideas from becoming a reality.
Read More Jamie McIntyre articles on .21stcenturynews freeblog.au
Jamie McIntyre
CEO of 21st Century Education
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