
How to cure a high-heel hangover

We’ve all been there - you’ve spent the previous day tottering around in towering heels and you wake up with aching calves and feet that feel as if they’ve gone five rounds with boxer Mike Tyson. We call it the high-heel hangover.
Harley Street podiatrist, Mr Stephen Strain, has some top tips on how to sidestep that painful morning after a night out in your Louboutins.
Why the hangover?
The less frequently you wear heels, and the higher they are, the more painful the hangover. Your calf muscle contracts when lifting the leg to walk but, in high-heels, your ankle is a few inches off the ground before taking a step, so the calf has to work much harder, contracting tighter. If your muscle isn’t used to it, like going to the gym for a work out it will stiffen up the next day.
Hair of the dog
It’s better to wear heels frequently and get your muscles used to working in that high-intensity range than occasionally throw on the odd skyscraper. Sporadic use of high-heels (binge wearing) is disruptive for your calves. Ideally, you should wear a mid-to-low heel most days, then an occasional high one. This way, your body gets used to it and accepts it.
Wear and tear
It’s important your heels fit properly. Your toes should have space to move. If your shoes have a point, the point must come after the toes so as not to squish them together, resulting in hammer toe - this is a particularly unsightly affliction where your toes are deformed and permanently bent. Thin silicone pads which go underneath the ball of your foot inside the shoe are good for absorbing impact. A wedged heel is less demanding on leg muscles, as it has a larger surface area, so is more stable. The thinner the heel, the more impact on your foot.
Stretching out your legs and feet the morning after lengthens the muscles and gets the blood flowing again. Yoga is great for this. Downward-facing dog (when your hands are on the floor a small distance in front of your feet and your bottom is stretched up to the ceiling, forming a triangle shape with the floor), is a particularly effective position. Or, in bare feet, bend down and try to touch your toes. Your legs should be straight and you are using your body weight as leverage. Slowly bend over and hold for five or ten seconds. Repeat three times. Another trick is to sit down, lifting a foot up from the floor and (stretching the leg up off the floor), point your toes and try to trace the alphabet in the air.
Soak yourself silly
A hot bath helps ease tired muscles. Try adding Epsom salts, which are loaded with natural minerals including magnesium and sulphate. The skin absorbs the magnesium, which helps the body to build and repair tissues.
Pamper your feet
Having a pedicure can be a welcome relief if you can spare the time and money. It’ll soothe tired, achy feet and sort out improperly cut or ingrown toenails, which can be painful inside tight shoes. But you can also pamper your feet yourself. Cut toenails carefully and moisturise. If allowed to become too dry, your feet can develop rough areas on pressure points, which can crack and become painful. The most common areas for dryness are the ball of the foot, as it takes the most impact in high-heels, and the back of the heel. Use a moisturiser, which is dedicated to feet, as the sole is thicker than other parts of the body. Apply after a bath, when your pores are open, for maximum penetration.
Doctor, doctor
If you notice clumps of hard skin on your feet, it may be wise to visit the podiatrist. Calluses (their proper name) will inhibit flexibility leading to tension lines and problems. You’ll know if you have them because of a slight discolouration and the skin won’t flex and give as you push it, moving as one hard lump instead. They can make walking in heels even more painful and lead to foot problems later in life. Your podiatrist will have no trouble getting rid of them.
Take a heel holiday
After a particularly big heel binge, it’s a good idea to give your feet a chance to relax. Walking around barefoot is ideal but also impractical, so a flat-soled trainer is the next best thing.
If all else fails
Like alcohol-induced hangovers, taking ibuprofen can make you feel a lot better. It’s an anti-inflammatory, so will take the inflammation out of the foot and ease the agony. Voltarol and arnica tablets also work well, but beware of taking any tablets if you have been drinking alcohol.

