Oh boy, July is almost over with already, August is just around the corner. Where did the year go? Oh yeah, it’s an election year. I try to ignore the world this time of year.
I doubt that there are many who aren’t horrified at the shootings in the theater in Aurora, Colorado, Thursday night. My thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families. I will never understand why some people do the things that they do. I quit trying to figure it out years ago.
I don’t know if the shooter is nuts or just evil, I guess it really doesn’t matter, he is going away for the rest of his life no matter what. I’m joining with several others in that I will not use the shooter’s name. He doesn’t deserve to be spoken of in human terms, so therefore I will not contribute to his 10 seconds of fame. People like him are dog leavings on our shoes; just a nasty substance that we try to avoid but sometimes can’t.
Some 21 years ago Jeffrey Dahmer’s dinner-to-be escaped his clutches and the cops found Dahmer's stew pot of body parts, leading to weeks of horror stories in the news. I quit watching the news soon after that. I had two little ones and the news was just too depressing, so I stayed away from it until my kids were a bit older. I remember Dahmer though because I was in the hospital after giving birth to Justin and there was the geeky looking freak on the tv news. Here I am, checking out fingers and toes on the most beautiful little boy I had ever seen, and up on the screen the talking heads are chattering with ghoulish delight about this freak who liked to eat young boys. Double YUCK. To make matters worse, if it wasn’t Dahmer on the screen, then it was scenes of little kids' missing body parts in Bosnia. I took a little vacation from the news for a few years over that.
It doesn’t seem like too many years later Jeffy boy died in prison. That story barely registered with me due to the fact that I have always been a firm believer in that people eventually get what’s coming to them, good or bad, and bad things happening to bad people doesn’t bother me one bit. I’m afraid I can relate more to my pagan ancestors than the good Christians. I’m not much on turning the other cheek and while I can accept an apology, I don’t ever forget what landed that person in my bad graces in the first place. Forgive, maybe, forget, not a freakin’ chance.