The Greater New Hope Chamber of Commerce has added two new activities to its 2011 Halloween roster - a High Heel Race and a Pumpkin Man Contest that started Oct. 15 and will end on Halloween day, Oct. 31. Live performances of The Rocky Horror Show will continue through Monday, Oct. 31.
Always a crowd-pleaser, the High Heel Race will take place Sunday, Oct. 30 at 7 p.m. on Mechanic Street in New Hope. Registration begins at 6 p.m. To join the race male and female participants -all wearing high heels- must carry a pumpkin up and down a designated route on Mechanic Street. Prizes will be awarded for first, second and third place. There is no charge to participate or watch the High Heel Race and drag is welcome.
For those wondering about the creative pumpkin displays at local merchant locations, take note: This year marks the first New Hope Pumpkin Man Contest. Twenty-one New Hope businesses received three pumpkins each and were asked to decorate their stores with a Halloween theme.
The highlight of New Hope's Halloween line-up is live performances of The Rocky Horror Show at Havana Bar & Restaurant. Midnight performances are set for Thursday, Oct. 27 and Friday, Oct 28. The Sunday, Oct. 30 performance is at 10 p.m. and an all-age show takes place on Monday (Halloween evening) at 9 p.m. In this audience-participation show, attendees are encouraged to dress in costume, dance and call out responses to the characters as the performance progresses.